Sunday, March 21, 2010


Except looking like human all the others factors like religion, nationality, creed, and caste, and not to mention our minds tend to segregate us. What follows is the secret history of the human kind depicting their primitive behavior from the past.

Ancient days:

The world’s oldest occupation was hunting. Man killed a variety of animals for his food. At the same time, he was not so kind to other animals which he did not eat. Ancient man considered animals stronger than him to be his enemies and killed them. For instance, the extinction of mammoths (the biggest creature on land) happened right after he explored North America before 12,500 years.

Medieval days:

When man got civilized, he separated land into countries and after that he fought to defend his territories. The number of people who lost their lives in war all over the world beyond comprehension. Gengis khan alone, who conquered many parts of the world is supposed to be responsible for the death of 30 million people during his annexation.
Unlike ancient days, man (especially kings) started to hunt down animals for their pleasure. Hunting was considered to be prestigious. Some of the mughal emperors had gone a step forward from hunting by banning the hunting in certain dense areas of forest for a few months. In these months, the animals’ population tended to increase exponentially. Then, they lit fire at the one side of the forest and when the animals started running towards the opposite side, the king and his army were already there to gift them with death.
Similarly, once upon a time in America, there were about 300 million cattle migrating to other places when the climate changes. It was believed that, when such a herd crosses a train, it took roughly 3 to 4 days for the last cattle to cross the gauge and until that trains were halted. The scenario changed completely when a cruel guy shot cattle. Then people started to take up trips especially for shooting competition. The sale of guns and cartridges were at the peak. The income of railway increased by folds. The scene continued till there were no cattle to migrate.
Till 18th century, the largest commodity of sale is not silk or opium but it is humans themselves. They were brought from Africa and sold all over the world. Many thanks to those who fought for abolition of slavery. Ironically, the first ship that brought slaves from Africa was named “Jesus Christ”.

Every day, we are losing 116 square miles of rain forests.
Every day, we are converting 72 square miles of cultivable lands into waste lands.
Every day, 40 -100 species are getting extinct (the saddest part is we was not even able to notice it).
Every day, World’s population is getting increased by 0.25 million.
Every day, 2700 tons of choloro flouro carbon(CFC) and 0.15 million tons of carbon-di-oxide are being released into atmosphere.
And as result of all this, the temperature on Earth goes up slightly each day and acidity of ocean water increases a little bit.

Man started rearing a variety of animals for his food. But, continues to kill animals like the tiger, lion, elephant, etc., for medicinal and ornamental purposes. For him, everything is edible. He consumes from small worms to gigantic whales; yet, major part of human population still starves for food. The prospect of hunger can induce a man to do anything. It is worth mentioning about fishing tuna, the fish with largest protein content. It usually travels beneath the dolphins. For catching tuna, he is even ready to kill dolphins, which are very friendly to human and approaches them by whistling when it sees their ships.

Finally, man violates the world charter of nature(1982) which states that Every form of life is unique, warranting respect regardless of its worth to man, and, to accord other organisms such recognition, man must be guided by a moral code of action (every organism in the world serves a purpose and it is not really created for his use).

The real fact is that, the animals which he can master or rear for slaughtering become domestic and the others go wild and dangerous. But, human beings are the most deadly organisms in the world.
No human can deny these facts mentioned and he can’t bring back even a single organism that is dead because of him or restore the changes made.
Hope this piece of information makes you to pause and think for a second!!!

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