Thursday, October 11, 2018

Channarayana Durga Trek

After a gap of one year, I enrolled for Channarayana Durga Trek with BTC. After much expectations, I was shortlisted and set to undertake the trek with the astounding team. So, we all met near the Majestic Metro Station and began our journey towards the destination on the trek day(07 Oct 2018).

It is an easy two hours journey with a quick stop for the breakfast. Variety of foods kept coming until we are satisfied which is followed by hot beverages. Introduction about ourselves to the team is not a simple affair. One has to introduce and also remember and recall all the names and details of the trekkers who have introduced before. Failing to do so, you will earn five push-ups for not remembering any person's detail. But, fret not, no matter how many push-ups you earn organizer DY is kind enough to reduce it to five push-ups.

We reached the village and prepared for our trek to the Channarayana Durga Fort. DY gave us a talk about the policies of BTC and do's and dont's during the trek. Tahir would lead the trek and Ramesh and DY were trailing during the trek. Smiling Sathya gave us a warm up session.

Soon after the warm up session, we started our ascend to the fort. It was around noon time, so the Sun was little harsh. We had to hydrate ourselves often and took short breaks during the course of the trek. Climbing the rocks were physically demanding but the team handled it well.

Throughout the trek, uttering 'mine' and 'fine' or drinking water using right hand and you can become healthy. Yes, push ups is mandatory if you indulge in such activities. So, it lead to a lot of interesting scenarios and memorable events.

While climbing, we found shades under the posts and trees where we sat briefly. We also had some snacks to energize ourselves. We also had some stopover for quick photo sessions.

Around 12.00 in the noon, we reached the top and found a nice place to rest. We had around half an hour to explore the surroundings. After that came an entertaining game from curious Naveen and Nivethitha. Then, we settled down for ping pong game. We had fun time and whoever faulted at the game, entertained us by singing song, dance performance, push ups and sit ups.

We had our potluck lunch with consisted of variety of rice, neer dosa, roti, snacks and sweets. It is an mindblowing experience to taste different kinds of foods after a trek. All these times, we had a dog sitting(mostly sleeping) nearby us. It didn't bother us when we were at the top of the hill. But, as soon as we started our descend it accompanied us till the base of the hill.

Sun was still scorching when we started our descend. Fortunately, we found a refuge near a water body and stayed there for a while. Even after a rest of one and half hours and filling lunch under shade, the descend was quite tough due to the sun. We tread carefully down the rocks with a few stops down the way.

We reached the base and concerned persons did push ups that were earned on the way down. Then, we all had some cool drinks and posed for group photos. Shortly after the photos, we all started our journey towards Bangalore. On the way back, we played numerous games in the tempo traveller. Just before reaching the destination, we gave our feedback on the trek. Few people from the team got down at their desired places on the way to Majestic Metro Station. Finally, around 6.30pm, the vehicle dropped us and we all parted ways after saying good-byes. I thank fellow teammates, organizers and BTC for this wonderful opportunity to explore Channarayana Durga.

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